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Try out the game for yourself:
Editor's note: This was Project 3 for my New Media Arts Class
Original Title: Project 3 - What if there was an Alternate Universe?
Original Description: What if, in a world devoid of color, there was an alternate universe with splashes of color? How would you escape to this world?
Project Information
A Unity game where you must escape from the world you are currently in.
This is a First-person styled game where you must figure out how to go from world to world.
- The Assets Directory to include in a new Unity Project
- Prebuilt binaries for Linux, MacOSX, Windows, and WebGL
Mouse - Look Around
Left Mouse Button - Shoot a Projectile. The projectile will glow all colors that it can interact with
WASD - Move Around
How to build
In order to build this project, you should create a New Unity Project, and then import the assets from this assets directory into your project. It should contain all scripts and resources needed to test out the project.
Since this project used a lot of scripts, I felt that it would be good to have this project be open-source to help other students that may take this class in the future see how C# code is written, and how it can be used to make a cool game.
There are scripts to spawn in enemies, keep track of colors, and change the music when the player collects a tesseract, among other things.
When this game was demoed in class, I think that the objective of hte game wasn't initially obvious enough, so I have made a walkthrough to help people play through it.
Main Objective
The entire world is governed by collecting colored cubes, giving the player the ability to interact with other objects that also are the same color.

Light World (First Scene)
You, the player are in a cube. You must touch the switch to escape this bow, but you aren't finished escaping yet! Go and investigate that suspiciously large and dark tree in the middle of the area.

Darker World (Second Scene)
You have been teleported to a darker version of the world you were just in. Off in the distance, you should see colored Tesseract Cubes (as seen above) in each corner of the area. You can collect them in any order that you choose. When you collect all 4, you will be teleported to another area.
Darkest World (Last Scene)
You should see a lighter tree in the middle of the field, like the first one that you initially touched to get to the Dark World. Go touch that tree!

After this you are teleported back to the Light World. You can go around again, if you want, or try to escape a different way in the Darkest World. Hint: Then enemies don't always stay on the ground!. Also this breaks the game, FYI.